CILEP(The Change In Life Experience Pakistan)

Organization Description: 

CILEP(The Change In Life Experience Pakistan)
CILEP is a nonprofit and non government organization. It was founded by a group of people who believed that good news of Jesus Christ is more than verbal preaching.
Literacy rate is very low in Pakistan. The poor people find it very hard to educate their children that is why they remain uneducated and underdeveloped. CILEP took initiative for the educational development of the poor community so that those who could not afford expensive education may get education free of cost. The CILEP is running a primary school with limited resources in a poor brick kiln community .
we are aiming to start computer skill training centers,
The poor community need to be educated about health care. They need basic Education in the field of nutrition, breastfeeding, family planning and first aid. A team goes to poor areas, provide healthcare and spiritual counseling. The people contacted are followed up by the local worker(s).
3- Children Ministry
CILEP is sharing the good news in children in different Churches. CILEP is helping the church to develop new leaders.
4-Skill Development
Someone said, ?Give a man a fish and he would eat it for a day. Teach him to catch fish and he would eat for his lifetime?.
Majority of the people living in Urban and rural areas of Lahore are daily wage laborers, sweepers, factory workers, government employees, small farmers and brick makers etc. The average monthly income of these people is Rs.1500 ? 3000. The women either are house wives or work as domestic helpers in the houses of rich families.

The Cilep is working for both Muslims and Christians communities in Lahore

Praises for 2008

1- Praise that CILEP has 2 School projects and helping 250 students in
their education at Lahore.

2- Lord has given us opportunity to go in very poor communities to do 5
medical camps and 1050 patients were treated in these medical camps

3- Praise the Lord we are able to start 2 Sunday schools at Jevan Hana and
Kana churches. Almost 200 children are coming and learning the word of God.

4- Thanks Lord we are able to start a teenage boys meeting at Jevan Hana

5- Praise the Lord we were able to arrange 2 training program for
Evangelism. In these training youth(Girls and Boys) learned how to share
their testimonies with Muslims and how to share the gospel.


1-Pls pray for CILEP( that we will be a good instrument of God
during year 2009.

2- Pray for We have a big school project at Lahore and want to start a good
quality primary school that will focus on high quality English medium
education for poor children. Half of the work has completed and we are
praying for Lord's help that we could start this school in May 2009.

3-Pray for in 2009 we have planned to start one project of internet café and
computer learning center. Pray for training and setup of internet café and
learning center.

4-Pray for Boloachistan Earth quick victims. when thousands of people lost
their house and living under the sun and temperature is under -16 degree

5-Pray for CILEP Pakistan Projects, Medical work, Schools, Sunday schools
and teenage meetings.

6- Pray for Pakistan political and economical situation.

7- Please pray for CILEP that God provides enough that we can do Lord's work
good and help the people of God.

8- We are not getting regular funds from any where and not receiving any
donations from other sides of the world. We depend upon the gifts from
individuals. Pls pray for funding.

Plans 2009

1- Primary school

2- Internet Café and learning center

3- 5 medical camps and if possible 8 medical camps

4- Nutrition program for poor peoples

Organizational Email:
H#4,St#3 Shadab Colony, Opp. Nishtar Colony 18 km Ferozepur Road
Lahore, 54760
Mission Statement: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
International Volunteers: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: