CIVS Community Service-Kenya
Every year CIVS deploys over 400 technical and non technical volunteers and development personnel from all over the world to work with local communities on a variety of projects where they assist in capacity enhancement through specialist and non specialist tasks that enhance people?s dignity, pride, self confidence and self esteem.
CIVS programs provide valuable opportunities for human resources development; presently being enjoyed by a wide variety of organizations. Parties to CIVS collaboration agreements include institutions of higher learning, development organizations and human resource agencies in Africa, Europe, Asia and America.
CIVS deploys personnel to work with local communities on the establishment and management of financial systems; where they help in capacity enhancement through specialist and non specialist tasks geared towards financial service delivery, products development, and product marketing support.
Personnel are deployed through such mechanisms as international voluntary service projects, including workcamps, educational, home and project attachments. This extra-ordinary personal involvement leads to a deep understanding of others, evolving solidarity beyond the frontiers of race, culture, religion, education or gender.
Center for International Voluntary Service (CIVS) exists to empower communities to alleviate conditions of extreme poverty, alleviate human suffering, promote local economic development, foster charity and justice for the needy; and build harmonious relations among peoples of different cultures and backgrounds.