College Park Presbyterian Church
We are a church that is M-O-V-I-N-G forward by the power of the Holy Spirit. This reflects the shared values we bring to our life and ministry. We are a church that is:
Outwardly Focused
Vibrant in Worship
Impacting the Community
Nurturing God’s People
Growing in Faith
College Park, GA 30337
College Park Presbyterian Church is a multi-cultural community of followers of Jesus. We seek to respond to GodÂ’s call in our lives by sharing the love of Christ with all, growing in faith together, and being part of GodÂ’s mission in our community and in the world.
Our vision is to have a powerful impact for Christ in the Tri-Cities area of Atlanta. We believe God is calling us in the next three years to touch the lives of at least 2500 people through our ministries and outreach efforts, and to grow to a church of 250 people by making new disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our church believes that God alone is the supreme authority in the universe and in our lives. We believe that knowledge of God and of God’s purpose for humanity comes first and foremost from the Bible. Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ God has offered new life and hope to the whole world. The new life we have through Jesus is God’s generous gift to us and not the result of our own accomplishments. We believe that it is everyone’s job – not just ministers – to share this Good News with the whole world.
As Presbyterians we are rooted in a particular religious and theological tradition called the Reformed Tradition. One of the common phrases used to describe our tradition says that we are "reformed and always reforming." In other words, we have a particular perspective and beliefs we are committed to, but we also realize we do not have all the answers. We are open to those whose theology may be different from ours and believe we can have loving Christian community without everyone being forced to believe the same things.
In baptism we use water as a symbol of God’s grace. We believe Baptism is all about grace. Our church practices both infant and adult baptism. We baptize infants because we believe God is active in our lives before we are even aware of God’s presence. Our practice of infant baptism proclaims our belief that God’s grace acts on our behalf before we are even capable of responding. Whether as an infant or an adult, baptism is a sign of God’s work in our lives and God’s desire to use us in God’s mission in the world.
Lord’s Supper…
Jesus asked his disciples to share a simple meal of bread and juice as a way of remembering him. We share this meal together every Sunday in our 5 p.m. worship services and once a month in our 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 services. Anyone who is a Christian is welcome to partake in the Lord’s Supper. Just as we need food each day to sustain us, we need to share this special meal on a regular basis to help nurture us for living as Christians in today’s world.