Compton United Soccer Club

Organization Description: 

Our Vision

As we develop soccer players into top level competitors giving them opportunities not normally afforded to youth from a community such as Compton, we will take all opportunities to maximize the platform that soccer gives us to develop these youth into college recruits, college graduates, great parents and spouses and business and community leaders.

It is our vision;

* To provide innovative programs in;
o Athletic,
o Academic,
o Character, and
o Leadership Development, for the ultimate goal of
o Community Development
* To provide fun, safe and positive athletic experiences through soccer
* To provide this positive athletic experience in culturally relevant ways
* To provide this opportunity in an affordable yet dignity-producing manner (striking the balance between high costs and hand-outs)
* To help increase the scholastic proficiency of Compton youth through homework assistance and college preparation
* To help encourage civic responsibility and ownership through local service projects
* To help to bring the Compton Hispanic and African-American communities together in tangible and measurable ways
* To assist in connecting the business, political and family communities in meaningful ways
* To provide local businesses a high profile and effective way to give back to the community

Strategic Overview:

* Competitive soccer club teams at multiple levels/divisions
* Club teams elements;
o Competitive regional league and tournament play
o Academic achievement program & standards
o 2.5 minimum GPA requirement for club players
o Community service projects
o Leadership development programs
o Mentoring
* Innovative recreational programs including,
o Indoor Futsal leagues
o Skill clinics
o Summer Camps
* Homework assistance in conjunction with local colleges and churches
* Close relationship with Compton Unified School District in field, team and player development
* Close partnership with the City of Compton Public Works and Parks & Recreation departments
* Working towards the three-year project of building the Compton United Youth Soccer Academy
* Partnership with local community recreation soccer leagues
* Annual Unity Cup Tournament with an anti-racism emphasis
* Economic development opportunities for players, jobs through school, etc.
* College preparation both academically and athletically

We subscribe to the ideal of "Soccer for Social Change".

Organizational Email:
415 South Pearl Ave.
Compton, CA 90221
Mission Statement: 

Compton United Mission Statement:
Our Mission: Through the sport of soccer and the resources of US Soccer, develop a new generation of leaders who excel in all aspects of life: mentally, physically, socially, spiritually, and emotionally, to ultimately help develop our community into a model of social, economic and spiritual transformation.

Compton United Soccer Club serves the area of greater Compton by bringing quality, competitive, sanctioned soccer to the inner-city. Historically this population has been virtually locked out of the US Soccer system as the US is the only country where soccer has been embraced as a suburban sport and priced out of the urban price range.

The talent and determination are in place in the city and we are providing the structure and access to the system so these players may have the same opportunity as any other player.

Athletic ► Academic ► Character ► Leadership ► Community

CUSC focus on five stages of development;

This wholistic approach fosters growth on and off the field developing leaders and a community not just soccer players.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
City/Metropolitan Area: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: 
NTEE Code: 
Assets Bucket: 
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