Computers4Christians (C4C)
Computers and related equipment are freely given by fellow Christians, businesses, schools and others. Hard disk drives are wiped, parts are tested, mixed and matched; and working machines are loaded with our own Christian operating system that includes Christian software packages and content as well as useful secular applications for the home, school and office. Computers are then freely given to whomever requests one in an area we serve.
The C4C computer user is exposed to God's Word, Christian teachings, daily devotionals, Christian videos, well over 100 Christian games, Christian music, etc. We pray each and every computer given will help bring the user(s) to Christ, or closer to God.
Computers4Christians' (C4C) mission is to witness and disciple by refurbishing freely given computers and give them back out for free to whomever asks for one in an area we serve; as well as allowing anyone with access to the Internet to install our Christian Operating System on their own computer.
We believe there is one true God, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe God created all things; including all life and the world we live in. We believe the Holy Bible is the Word of God and it is inherent and infallible. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, our Savior and Lord. We believe Jesus was born from a virgin, lived a sinless life on the earth, died for our sins, and rose three days later. We believe in salvation by grace-through-faith in Jesus Christ.