Dallas Habitat for Humanity

2800 North Hampton
Dallas, TX 75212
Mission Statement: 

Dallas Habitat utilizes an innovative model, we refer to as "Habinomics," to create affordable housing opportunities, revitalize neighborhoods, and generate new revenue for many cities in Dallas County.

The Habinomics difference involves and empowers the community to create affordable homeownership opportunities to deserving families. We bring together both public and private funding, community leadership and vision, and thousands of volunteers to address the affordable housing crisis in Dallas. Over 9,000 volunteers per year give of their time and skills, contributing over $1.8 million in value to the community every year.

Who We Help

Thousands of low-income families live in the cities of Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, DeSoto, Cedar Creek and Lancaster and are in dire need of affordable housing options. These hardworking families often have no choice but to spend unsustainable levels (50% or more) of income on housing and even more often live in dangerous conditions in substandard housing.

Cost-burdered households have little money remaining to pay for other basic necessities, such as food, health care and clothing. Any unexpected expenses or a loss of a job could mean an inability to make rent or pay a high mortgage payment, forcing families to live in unstable transitional housing or worse...on the streets.

A safe and stable home is the foundation on which families build success. Homeownership has many positive effects on families and children; most importantly, homeownership provides low-income families the means to build personal wealth and increase their children's opportunities for success and upward economic mobility.

How It Works

Dallas Habitat is able to provide qualfied families a tangible asset at below cost with no cash down payment and a 0% mortgage for 25 years, saving families $105,000 over the duration of their loan. That means that the money these families have left over each month goes toward basic necessities instead of high rental payments or interest on their loan. In lieu of a down payment, homowners are required to contribute 400 hours of sweat equity by building on their own home and the homes of their neighbors.

Principal payments made by current Habitat homeowners are placed into a revolving fund, the "Fund for Humanity," and are used to build more Habitat Homes, since the mortgages are held by Dallas Habitat. Additionally, Habitat homeowners are prepared for homeownership success by attending Homebuyer Education classes where they learn budgeting and home maintenance skills.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
City Vision Site Interest: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
Organization Affiliation: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
City/Metropolitan Area: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: