
nairobi, 254
Mission Statement: 

- I believe; In God the Father, the first personality of the Trinity; that He is the Creator of all things, He is the Omnipotent ruler of the whole world which He all loves, that He saves mankind from sin and He adopts and makes all to be, his sons. John I : 12.

- I believe in God the son, Jesus Christ; the second personality in the Trinity; that He possesses all
divine power and He is co – equal with God the Father.Through him the world was created and
later he became man, shed his blood, voluntarily died on the cross for our sins, that through his
resurrection we (church) shall also resurrect to eternal life, that he is a mediator between man and God and that he will return to receive the Church , - His body into himself during rapture to eternity.

- I believe in God the HolySpirit; the third perspnality in the Trinity; and that He baptises all believers into the body of Christ, that there is indwelling, santification,instruction and empowerement of the saints by the HolySpirit for the ministry, and that the HolySpirit seals Saints

- I believe that Man sinned through Adam and lost his first glory. Jesus being the only son was sent that through Him salvation may begotten.

-I be lieve that salvation is the gift of God.

- I believe that the church -- the Body of Christ-began with Him through theHolySpirit on the day of Pentecost.

- I believe that the Bible is inspired, holy, inherent and powerful word of God, and that it is true and irrevocable

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
International Volunteers: 
Length of Trip: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: