Divine Grace Medical Missionaries
Founded in order to help and alleviate the lives of the underserved/disadvantaged individuals around the global in a special way, where we found ourselves in a mission, to provide answers to negative social, economic and healthcare paradigms through basic skills, and technical health education in wholesome atmosphere. Divine grace is helping in providing long-term solution to healthy lifestyle, health technology education, unemployment and homelessness, health literacy, and family break-ups by providing employment and spiritual guidance. We also help to combat the difficulties created by a lack of education, and sometimes, a lack of direction and purpose in one’s life with its programming.
The mission is to preserve and optimize human life by seeking to foster an environment of caring, compassion and love that enables it to respond to Human needs in enviable ways through wholeness, justice, Healing, Rehabilitation, Researching, Discovering, Social services, Nutrition/Wellness, and Education.
The goal is: to Educate; Guide, and empower people in need through; Multiple Human Services, such as: Health care education, Health Literacy/Wellness, food, clothing, the Homeless, Medicine; Drug and Alcohol counselling, Marriage and Family, and Spiritual Development -Vocations