Ductu Foundation
In accordance with the provisions of law No.90/53 of 19/12/1990, amended in 1999 regulating the law of associations in Cameroon, Ductu foundation is a voluntary, non-profit making, apolitical, development association, for guidance, counseling and youth development. In general, our programs assist youths to Increases self-knowledge, know how to relate effectively to others, Broaden their knowledge about the changing environment, Help them reach their fullest academic and extracurricular potential, Provide opportunities for career exploration, planning and decision-making. As well provide parents with support for their child’s educational and personal development. Increase opportunities for parental involvement in the education and growth of the child and equip parents with skills necessary to support their child. Building high moral, ethical and professional skills can help to enhance the image of youth in the community, reduces riots and mal habits like corruption, and improve the general appearance of the community and create a morally upright society which allows for systematic evaluation. Also for the growth of our communities, Businesses, Industry, and the Labor Market, our programs can help to provide the potential for a well-informed workforce, with positive attitudes and the necessary skills. Also provide an opportunity for collaboration with teachers and parents in preparing youth for the world of work, through participation in career fairs, and other career guidance activities. Through our systematic method of planning, designing, implementation and evaluation, our program leaders and coordinators ensure that the impact of the program is greatly felt and that it benefits each youth as a person, our communities and the country as a whole.
Ductu Foundation has as aim;  To combat social issues faced by Cameroonian young people, especially girls and minorities  To Build capacity of the youth for socio-economic growth  To promote guidance, counseling and youth development