Duke Endowment/Rural Church Program

Primary Contact: 
Mr. Eugene W. Cochrane, President
100 N. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-4012
Areas of Interest Description: 

The Duke Endowment awards grant to the following -

  • Duke University, Davidson College, Furman University and Johnson C Smith University
  • Nonprofit hopitals and health care orgainzatiin in NC and SC
  • Nonprofit agencies focused on child welfare and care in NC and SC
  • Rural United Methodist Churches in NC
  • Retired ministers who have served at least five years in an annual conference of the UMC in NC
Geographic Focus: 
Total Annual Giving: 


Average Grant Range: 


Average Number of Requests & Grants Per Year: 


Selected Grants: 

Snow Hill Church - $15,000

Rocky Mount District - $20,000

Sharon United - $30,000

City/Metropolitan Area: 
Annual Giving: