e3 Partners Ministry
e3 Partners Ministry mobilizes the North American church, challenging Christians to PRAY, GIVE and GO - all with the aim of obeying the Great Commission. We lead hundreds of short-term mission trips each year, most with a focus on evangelism and church planting.
Our biblically-based approach of church multiplication incorporates all the key aspects of ChristÃ?Â?s commission. Since 1987, God has allowed us to see significant long-term results worldwide from our holistic approach to ministry that embraces going, making disciples, baptizing and teaching as we plant and establish new churches.
God has used our e3 approach of Equipping, Evangelizing, and Establishing to build bridges of unity and teamwork between more than 20,000 believers representing over 2,000 American churches and nearly 250,000 believers in 15,000 international congregations. Together, these believers have already introduced more than 1 million people to Christ, and helped to establish more than 12,000 churches.
Plano, TX 75074