East End Ecclesia
East End Ecclesia is a new multicultural, missional church located in Pittsburgh's East End. As a multicultural church we seek to reflect the reconciliation granted through Christ by tearing down the "walls that once divided" to see the diverse groups of people united under Christ. As a missional church we believe that the church exists for God's mission of redemption, reconciliation, restoration within our community and city as a whole. We believe God's mission does not end in the growth of the local church, but believe that God grows His church for the sake of His mission within our world.
We are a very new church plant that uses a liturgical structure while having a more baptistic expression within our services. Though small at the moment our church consists of young and old, working class and those in poverty, white and black.
East End Ecclesia: Seeking to be what God intended. Seeking God's intentions for the individual, for the church, and the city.
Our core doctrinal beliefs are in accordance with the historical creeds and confessions and are evangelical in nature.
Our core values:
Christocentric: Christ centered.
Scriptural: God’s word as our ultimate rule of faith.
Missional: Giving of ourselves for the sake of the city.
Holistic: Caring for the whole person: mind, body, and spirit.
Relational: Growing in relationship with God, each other, and the society at large.
Incarnational: Creatively proclaiming truth through the cultures of our city.
Counter Cultural: Standing up against the lies, injustice, and perversions of our world by living as God intended us to.
Multicultural: Crossing cultural barriers, celebrating our cultural differences, unified in Christ
Historical: Rooted in the rich history of the Christian faith, guided by the rich heritage handed down to us from those who came before us.
Creative: Celebrating genuine creativity as a reflection of the image of the Creator God within us.