ESL In-Home Program of Northern Nevada
Founded in 2004, the ESL In-Home Program of Northern Nevada focuses on the needs of non-English speaking adult immigrants as well as people who want improvement of their English language skills. Particularly in this economy, adults need literacy to help them be competitive for jobs and to help keep themselves and their families healthy. By helping these adults gain the education they deserve, we‚‚‚‚’re helping them and their children come together to solve problems and create stronger neighborhoods and communities. This program is unique in that it offers a "lifeline" to adults who are unable to attend classrooms due to physical disabilities, limited or no transportation, lack of funds for childcare, or job constraints. There are also psychological barriers, including adults who are embarrassed or intimidated to attend formal classroom settings. These are our students.
The program is a 100% volunteer organization. After we train community volunteers they become tutors and teach on a one-on-one basis, providing the opportunity for the student to progress at a faster pace by giving personalized attention. They teach in the student's or tutor's home or at public sites at mutually convenient times for tutor and student. We teach English as a Second Language, Workplace Communication, GED preparation and U.S. Citizenship study. There is no cost to the student.
MISSION STATEMENT: The ESL In-Home Program of Northern Nevada, Inc. provides instruction in English language skills to non-English speaking adults at no cost, regardless of sex, race, country of national origin or religion. Instruction is freely given to people who are unable to attend regular classroom settings. All tutors are trained community volunteers. This learning process quickly empowers these individuals to become more productive members of their local communities and ultimately enriches the cultural diversification within communities.