Evangelistic Gospel Ministries of Pakistan
Evangelistic Gospel Ministries of Pakistan is Evangelistic and Humanitarian Organization based in Lahore , EGM Pakistan is registered organization from Government of Pakistan.
Our vision is to reach the un-reached millions of Pakistan through Gospel Crusades, Evangelistic outreaches, Literature outreach, Mass media, Native missionaries and to plant a dynamic church in every out-reached community and least evangelized areas of Pakistan that does not have a Gospel witness. We train and equip native leaders of Pakistan, through leadership Conferences, training camps, Seminars and teaching materials such as books, audio tapes etc. We had also established a nation-wide Bible Colleges Network. We facilitate translation, production and free distribution of the faith-based books, Gospel literature & audio/video tapes and CD/DVD's. We also have a heart to establish strong mercy ministries to encourage and strengthen persecuted believers of Pakistan, who are fighting to survive for their faith.
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