Fairwyn Fund

Primary Contact: 
C. William Pollard, Jr., Pres.
207 Reber St.
Wheaton, IL 60187-5415
Type of Funder: 
Areas of Interest: 
Areas of Interest Description: 

The Fairwyn Fund is interested in programs catering to education, churchs and international economic development with an emphasis on prgrams focusing in Asia.

Geographic Focus: 
Geographic Focus Limitations: 

The Fairwyn Fund awards organizations nationwide, with somewhat of a focus on organizations in Illinois.

Total Annual Giving: 


Average Grant Range: 


Average Number of Requests & Grants Per Year: 


Application Procedures: 

The Fairwyn Fund requests that you contact the foundation for application information.

Funding Limitations Description: 

The Fairwyn Fund has no limitations, except that they do not awards grants to individuals.

Selected Grants: 

$200,000 to Opportunity International, $25,000 to Kids Hope

City/Metropolitan Area: 
Annual Giving: