faithforglobaldeliverance organization

Organization Description: 

Faith for Global Deliverance Ministries was founded in 1997 by Apostle Paul Katongole with a few people. The first church structure was built of papyrus reeds, and some eucalyptus poles. It was a very humble beginning. The membership of the starting group was very small. In the year 2000, there was an average attendance of 200 Members in the church service. But due to the increasing prayers of this determined small group and being in one accord, the church has grown dramatically spiritually, physically and numerically.

By the grace of God today we have over 2,000 members. For the purpose of enlarging God’s Kingdom, FGD has planted over 12 daughter churches within different parts of Uganda. emphasis.

kampala gayaza road
Kampala, CO 256
Mission Statement: 

Uganda is very open to the Gospel,there is freedom of Worship and as Christians we are committed to preaching the Gospel in all forms and by all possible means because of this freedom. Emcc is dedicated to holding Missions within and outside the Country.

We have both Rural and urban Missions in Uganda,these are Spiritual,Medical and Educational.We also can go beyond Uganda borders to strengthen churches or to preach the Love Of Christ to the hurting world.Pastor Aaron together with the entire leadership and the support of the Congregation are committed to the Salvation of Mankind because, Jesus Christ assigned us the great commission to go out in the world and and preach to all.The Bible says Go ye out in the world and preach the gospel to all,(Mark 16:15)

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

We believe in God and His son Jesus Christ and we put the gospel into practice.

City Vision Site Interest: 
Organization Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
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