Foundation of love, social and welfare

Organization Description: 

Volunteer with orphans and refugees in Africa Orphanages in Africa can take many different shapes and sizes. Many have children as old as 18 and as young as babies. These children are in need of love, care and affection which local staff are often to busy to offer them on an individual basis.

45 johanessbourg street
johanessbourg, GA 2001
South Africa
Mission Statement: 

As part of our vision to reach out to the world with God’s word by making the truth of the Bible known to people – to enable share in the free gift of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, you can join us today. contact call +27796012767 or Email i hope to hear from you. who want to partner with us, you are welcome. you can pray for us, you can support the work of God, as God direct you.Support the Less Privileged the Motherless Babies.God Bless you as you Give.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

As part of our vision to reach out to the world with God’s word by making the truth of the Bible known to people – to enable share in the free gift of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, you can join us today. contact call +27796012767 or Email i hope to hear from you. who want to partner with us, you are welcome. you can pray for us, you can support the work of God, as God direct you.Support the Less Privileged the Motherless Babies.God Bless you as you Give.

City Vision Site Interest: 
Organization Affiliation: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: