Organization Description: 

It was always a challenge for the Indian churches to reach out children, youth; and neglected families. Every mission organizations targeted these groups but still there are masses left out. This scene has motivated Br. RAIMAN DIGAL to give his cent percentage effort to reach them out in his own state and other states of India. For this reason he has left a comfortable life situation and moved out around 230 kilometers from his hometown. Presently he and his wife Rajshree Pradhan is staying at Bhubaneswar and fulfilling the "GREAT COMMISION" of Lord Jesus Christ through their life. When they have realized the urgency of the field, thought of training an efficient team with missionary vision, that was the beginning of "FRIEND OF ORISSA" a charitable trust, then it got registered with gov: of India and it has purity, faithfulness and committed to the Bible cause. We are interdenominational and we extend our friendship with all missions /churches /organizations/individual and families etc…..

Mission Statement: 


To bring all peoples to the kingdom of the living God regardless of race, color, rich, poor and through the saving, healing and delivering the knowledge of our lord Jesus Christ.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 


1. We believe the bible to be the inspired infallible authorities’ word of God

2. We believe that God exist eternally in three persons: Father, son and Holy Spirit.

3. We in the deity of the lord Jesus Christ: In His virgin Birth, sinless life, vicarious and anointed death, bodily resurrection accession, and personal bodily return.

4. We believe humanity to be fallen and depraved, needing, the regenerating work of God’s spirit for salvation.

5. We believe every Christian to be empowered to live a Christ honoring life by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

6. We believe in the spiritual unity of all members of Christ’s body and exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit to edify the church.

7. We believe that God is the creator of all heaven and earth.

8. We believe the church nurtures God’s people gathered in community to carry out God’s word.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
International Volunteers: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: