Gilead Foundations
We live on a community basis, with a few staff members travelling in from the local community. Gilead is based on a farm, and we produce our own meat, dairy products and eggs and also sell them. The community consists of various areas of practical work which everyone shares in, including the farming, catering, administration, finance, mechanical, and building. We have morning and evening devotional times, community activities and sunday services. The clients who come for help have counselling and attend groups, which sometimes volunteers are involved in. At other times they take part in the work areas for skills training and therapy. All community members and volunteers have all their basic needs met, and receive a salary of at least min wage.
"Unlocking People.... Releasing Potential" Gilead Foundations operates as a Christian Rehabilitation Therapeutic Community, offering a range of support services for people with life-controlling addictions, elating mainly to drug and alcohol abuse, homelessness, gambling, eating disorders, self harm, dual diagnosis, and other addictive behaviours.
We are a free evangelical Christian organisation that believes the Bible and its principles. We particularly believe in the communal sharing/living of the early ACTS church, and the principle that "God places the lonely in a family'. We believe part of the recovery of our clients is to be placed in one of our extended family settings. We are also members and recieve eldership and support from Church of the Nations and Lifelinks family of churches.