Gilgal Mission India was established by Rev. Labert Valsalam and Pastor Robinson Valsalam in 1991 , to humanize people, sharing the love of Lord Jesus Christ by propagation of the Good News. The Mission is a non profitable registered Trust. The Trust has its headquarters in the village, Kirathoor in Kanyakumari District, India.
Labert Valsalam is a man of motivation, hard work, prayer, commitment and exemplary vision to serve the communities and win souls for Christ. His whole life is dedicated to minister in the un-reached areas of India. He , his wife Sarojam Valsalam, and his Children had to go through persecutions and problems. In spite of all the difficulties, this ministry grew and God blessed Gilgal mission India efforts to reach the unreached. Now God has raised many men and women to stand with him to fulfill His Great Commission.
An Angel wearing a beautiful garment came down from heaven and stood beside him. He touched his shoulder and asked him Why are you distressed? Follow me. He took him to a tremendous river, and said Behold this river will never be waste less. Look at the other side of the river.
He looked and saw a big wheat field. The Angel told him Whatever you sow in this field you will reap. Then he showed him another field where nothing was planted, but it was filled with thistles and thorns. The Angel told him This is a new field where you are going to sow and reap. When it is handed over to him, he will call this field GILGAL. Then the Angel disappeared.
He awoke from his sleep and explained every thing to his wife. Early in the morning on another day, two pastors came to his home in search of him. He shared this vision with them also and asked them what does the word Gilgal mean, as he had no knowledge concerning that word. They then described what it meant and showed him the many passages in the Bible which mentioned it ( Josuha.5:9; 1 Sam.15:14-15; 15:21; Joshua. 4:19-20)
Our mission is to encourage, inspire and bring about practical change through community development, awareness and humanitarian efforts to promote communal unity, build the nation, uplift the poor and restore the dignity of the downtrodden and oppressed
Our vision is to obey Christs command to love our neighbors and be passionate about helping those in need and to reach the unreached at any cost with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ who never ever heard the gospel and to build 500 Churches
What we believe:
We believe the Bible is the verbally inspired word of God ,a revelation from God to Man.
We believe God is supreme in his Person, eternally existing in three persons, namely the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost
We believe That Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of the Father ,in the virgin birth of Christ, His deity, and sinless life, His vicarious death, along with His bodily resurrection and ascension.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the executive of the Godhead. We believe that he executes the Plan of God for our conviction and salvation. Christians are partakers of the Holy Spirit and empowered for service by Him.
We believe that man was created in the image of God any by choice fell into sin and death. Hence, every person is sinful and under condemnation to eternal Judgment.
believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly of Grace and that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. and is necessary for forgiveness of Sin.
We believe that the visible church is a congregation of baptized believers by immersion, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost,
The Lord's Supper consisting of the elements of bread and the fruit of the wine, is a memorial of His sufferings and death and a prophecy of His second coming, and will be enjoined by all believers, "until He comes"
Deliverance from sickness is provided and is the privilege of all believers, and the anointing of the sick with oil for healing and the laying on of hands
The second coming of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of those who are asleep in Christ is eminent and is the blessed hope of the Church
We believe in the eternal blessedness of the saved in heaven and the eternal punishment of the lost in hell.