The Giving Circle Africa (TGCA)
The organization was founded under the name Uganda Children‚‚‚‚’s Hope Foundation in 2006. The UCHF was primarily an orphanage that provided shelter, food and clothing for children who had lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. As time progressed and we expanded, the UCHF began taking care of other children suffering from poverty in our surrounding community. We decided not to limit ourselves to the children in the orphanage but to provide support to children living with elderly relatives or sick parents. In 2010 we began seeing the opportunity to expand even further and provide these children with a better standard of living. We had previously relied on individual donations, but saw an opportunity in distance adoption or child sponsorship. We have therefore now in 2011 resolved to change the name of the organization from the Uganda Children‚‚‚‚’s Hope Foundation to the Giving Circle Africa.
The Giving Circle Africa TGCA is committed to fighting hunger, lack of education and medical care among children in desperate need. The GCA is directed towards orphans, children suffering from poverty and infected by HIV/AIDS and provides them with shelter and a decent standard of living. In doing so, we also aim to raise conscious in society by teaching individuals basic skills that will help the surrounding communities to develop.
Jesus is Lord