Global Health Volunteers
Global Health Ministry (GHM) recruits volunteer professionals to provide healthcare services to under-served communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. We provide these services in Haiti; Kingston, Jamaica; Chulucanas, Peru; and Esquipulas, Guatemala.
These volunteer professionals are persons with medical training or posses other skills such as translating and/or organizational skills. They serve on teams that spend up to two weeks in remote and distressed settings and come from across the U.S. to help people through surgeries, primary health care, and health education. Our health education seminars are provided to in-country professionals and local community volunteers in a partnership effort to build healthier communities.
Through our health services, education and training programs we aim to develop self supportive communities where citizens can build towards healthier life styles, cleaner living conditions, the capacity to attend to basic health concerns without causing harm, and the knowledge to seek improvements to their communities through their own societal and governmental programs.
To provide healthcare services, health education and health programs which improve the lives of those who are poor and underserved in communities in the developing world, transforming those communities as well as the volunteers who serve.
We welcome those of all faiths to join us as volunteers to serve those of all faiths who are the suffering poor. Our organization is rooted in the Catholic faith tradition call to follow the example of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.