God's Glory Children Foundation
G.G.C.F is a registered non-profit and non-government organization(N.P.O & N.G.O) (registration number: G-38,927) that helps to support orphans and needy children in Ghana (Africa), one of the things G.G.C.F provides is free education to orphans and street children etc.It is our aim to enroll every child on the street into schools and provide for their basic needs.
To support the community in their quest to free themselves from poverty and to help fight poverty through education. We do this in partnership with Maranatha preparatory school.
We aim:
1.To help children in need and give them the right educations
2.To ensure that schools drop out acquire skills training to better their future
3.To ensure that they have the fear and the love of GOD
4.To develop their talents
Believing in God that with him all things are possible, because the book of James,1:27 says about the reward of taking care of orphans, and we believe that we can't do what the word of God says and remain the same, therefore with the experience Christian Volunteering we hope we can achieve a lot and change many lives and future here in Ghana.