The ministry outreach of God...uncomplicated is primarily directed to college students. In part, Gu involves placing paid Christian display illustrations of an evangelical nature in selected college newspapers nationwide. All illustrations are timely, relevant, contemporary, and Christ-centered with the goal of transforming lives by planting seeds of faith and trusting the promise that God will bring-forth the increase. Gu is a nonprofit Christian ministry entirely funded through grants and charitable donations. The goal of Gu is to present Jesus Christ as savior and Lord in an innovative and contemporary manner to college students across the nation.
Illustrations include artwork and text. A typical illustration is 4 x5 or larger and reproduced in full color. In addition, the production of the Christ-centered illustrations are produced by highly skilled graphic designers, writers and illustrators. Initial start-up calls for 12 illustrations to be designed and placed in selected secular college newspapers. A Gu website was launched in the Spring of 2009 to complement the campus newspaper illustrations and will provide additional resources for individuals seeking to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The website will also provide tools to further encourage and equip those students who are already Christians.