The Good Shepherds Christian Organization
We just start with Outreach Ministry ;
This is our population Groupe; Children/Youth, Homeless, Minorities, Crime/Abuse victims, Desabilities, with people; single parents, Students,Economically desadvantaged, etc.
We plan to have a Discipleship Home and Africa and Europe Outreach Mission.
We are Focus now How to build our Organization. That's why we need people who have passion to serve God in the following area:
1)Public Relations 2) Foundraiser 3) Grant/Proposal writer
4)Web/graphics designer 5) Business/Marketing specialist
6) Computer/Tech support
This Corporation is organized and operated exclusively for one or more of the following purpose: charitable, Educational, Scientific and/or Religious purposes, including, for such purpose, the making of distributions to organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The specific purpose for which this organization is organized is to support less fortunate people by Ministering to their physical and spiritual needs such as Education, Communication, Socio-Economic, Medical service, Clothing, Food, Shelter, Rehabilitation services, etc
Like Jesus said: " I am The Good Shepherd> The Good Shepherd lays down his lofe for the sheep..." John 10: 11
THE GOOD SHEPHERDS CHRISTIAN ORG. who recognize God's providence and fidelity to his people are dedicated to living out his Love among ourselfves and those children we serve, with absolute respect and unconditional Love.