Grace Centre for Children and Families
Sponsorship program for children whose families cannot afford schooling for them.
Day Care
A Day Care Center for families who do not have extended family support for mothers to work
An orphanage for abandoned or truly orphaned children.
Temporary Care
A temporary care center for families who need a place for a baby or child to have short term care eg if mother is sick.
Hope Memorial Clinic
Mother and child clinic for heath, child care and counseling.
Self-sufficiency and support for mothers
At GRACE, our mission is to provide responsible care for families and children by equipping and supporting mothers in their care role, giving children every possible advantage available to grow in a stable, Christ-centered environment, empowering them to be the leaders of tomorrow through education and training.
# There is only one God. He is infinitely good and great, and has revealed himself to be personal and eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
# God speaks to us through the Bible. It is the Word of God.
# God created the heavens and the earth and all that exists in them. He continues to care for and govern his creation, working out his purposes for all he has made.
# God created humans in his image, male and female, intending that we live in fellowship with him. However, tempted by Satan, God's adversary, the first man and woman disobeyed God. As a result we all sin, falling short in our responsibilities to love God and neighbour and to care for the world.
# Despite our sin, which alienates us from God and rightly deserves his judgment, God, because of his grace and great love for all people, sent his Son into the world to save us.
# The incarnate Son, Jesus, was conceived by the virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit. He died on the cross as a sacrifice on our behalf and in our place, redeeming us from the penalty and power of sin and triumphing over Satan. He was raised bodily from the dead and ascended to his Father's presence where he lives forever as our great High Priest and reigns as Lord of all.
# The Holy Spirit gives new life to all believers and resides in them permanently. He makes them holy, and enables them to grow into the likeness of Christ.
# While all believers belong to the universal church, God gathers them into local churches which exist to worship and serve him. Jesus Christ, the head of the church, has established both baptism and the Lord's Supper.
# All Christians are commanded to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and their neighbours as themselves. Such love includes the responsibility of every Christian to participate in the proclamation of the Good News throughout the world.
# Jesus Christ will return visibly and victoriously from his Father's presence to gather his people to himself and to complete his conquest of sin and evil.