Great Hope Ministries

Organization Description: 

Great Hope Ministries is a non denominational Church organization with currently 46 Churches in Uganda. Our Mission Base is located at Butema-Bugiri District 175km from Kampala City towards the Eastern boarder of Uganda/Kenya.

At the Mission base we have a Primary School and Orphan children's home plus two more School at sister Churches in Jinja District. The ministry has programs to provide safe water, building Churches, Planting Churches, Care and support to orphans, providing empowerment loans to needy Christians and providing literacy and parenting skills training to needy low education parents. Community Empowerment on HIV/AIDS care and prevention.

256 774 168421
P.O. Box 295
Bugiri, 25641
Mission Statement: 

Serving to Save
We are committed to Evangelism, Education, Empowerment, Training and Relief. Our services are for bringing salvation now and eternally to all those that need it. Glory be to God

Organizational Statement of Faith: 


We believe God is the ultimate authority. The one true God has revealed Himself in three personalities: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three are essential in revealing the one, inseparable God.

Holy Scripture:
We believe the Bible is the written revelation of God in Christ is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is authoritative. It is God's living word.

We believe all persons need salvation to restore relationship with God because of sin.

Salvation involves three stages including repentance and salvation, sanctification, and baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues.

We believe baptism is a sacred ordnance to be obeyed but it does not sake. Believers must be baptized only by immersion.

The Lord's Supper:
We believe the Lord?s Supper (Table) is a command of Jesus Christ to be obeyed in remembrance of Christ?s death and sacrifice on the cross. The elements are symbolic of the spilled blood and broken body of Christ on the cross. The supper is a time for individual examination and may be accompanied by foot washing.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
International Volunteers: 
Organization Affiliation: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: