Habitat for Humanity International
Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. We seek to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
To accomplish these goals, we invite people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build houses together in partnership with families in need.
Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses alongside our homeowner (partner) families. Habitat is not a giveaway program. In addition to a down payment and monthly mortgage payments, homeowners invest hundreds of hours of their own labor (sweat equity) into building their Habitat house and the houses of others. Habitat houses are sold to partner families at no profit and financed with affordable loans. The homeowners' monthly mortgage payments are used to build still more Habitat houses.
Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1976 by Millard Fuller, along with his wife, Linda. Today, we have built over 300,000 houses around the world, providing more than 1.5 million people in 3,000 communities with safe, decent, affordable shelter.
Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and people
everywhere, from all walks of life, to develop communities with
people in need by building and renovating houses so that there are decent houses in decent communities in which every person can experience God's love and can live and grow into all that God intends.