Habitat for Humanity of Johnson County
Habitat for Humanity of Johnson County builds houses in partnership with people in need and then sells the houses to homeowner partners. Homeowners are selected by local volunteers based on; their need for housing, ability to repay a no-profit mortgage and willingness to partner with Habitat. Mortgage payments contribute to the Fund for Humanity, which in turn provides the money to build more houses. Because of Habitat’s no-profit loans and because the houses are principally built by volunteer labor, mortgage payments are affordable for low-income partners.
Call (317)-736-4454
Hours - Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm
or Email habitat@franklincollege.edu
Habitat for Humanity of Johnson County, Indiana is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHJC seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from Johnson County, under the conviction that every person should have a simple, decent, affordable place to live in safety and dignity. This is accomplished through the faith in action of hundreds of volunteers of all different backgrounds coming together with one common goal.
•Our goal is to build two homes in 2009
•Recently hired our first executive director who will be able to coordinate the work of the committees and the volunteers as well as build additional partnerships across the community.
•Increase our capacity each year until we are able to build 5 houses in 2012.
•Build a greater county-wide awareness of the issues associated with sub-standard housing.
•Establish strong partnerships with churches, businesses, individuals across the county.
Habitat for Humanity of Johnson County, Indiana (HFH) is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry.
Habitat has an open-door policy: All who desire to be a part of this work are welcome, regardless of religious
preference or background. We have a policy of building with people in need regardless of race or religion. We welcome volunteers
and supporters from all backgrounds.
We believe in our volunteers putting their faith into action by helping those who are less fortunate, through; prayer, volunteer labor, volunteer committee help, and monetary donation.