Heartland Hospice- Atlanta
Heartland Hospice is dedicated to providing patients with care wherever they consider home. Whether care is desired in the home a patient has lived in for years, a skilled nursing center or an assisted living facility, we tailor our caregiving to fit the patient’s and family’s unique needs.
Heartland’s caregivers enrich our patients’ lives and provide support by developing individualized care plans, setting goals, encouraging personal choices, working together in caregiving decisions and supporting meaningful experiences. Our caregivers help manage pain and symptoms, enabling patients to live life as fully and comfortably as possible. Social workers and spiritual counselors create a comforting environment in which patients and families are able to share their thoughts, hopes and concerns. Special bereavement programs provide emotional support to patients and families who need help coping.
Heartland Hospice is dedicated to providing the highest quality in health care services by ensuring that patients live with the greatest dignity and comfort possible.