Hospice of CovenantCare
We are a young, non-profit, faith-based hospice serving people of all faiths and backgrounds in the greater Denver Metro Area. Through our services we support those facing a life-limiting illness, while embracing the wholeness of their life with Grace and Love. We do this with personalized care, respect, compassion and a focus on quality of life as determined by the individual. We are not a place (we go to where ever the client lives) but a comprehensive care provider meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the family. We are experts in pain and symptom management along with helping families meet their own personal goals of care.
We serve our families and one another as humble servants no matter what religion, ethnicity, or culture. Our mission is rooted in the Christian heritage of the Covenant Church and has been about promoting and helping people achieve mazimum well-being. Hospice of CovenantCare is reflective of a spirit and idea of caring and serving that emphasizes comfort, companionship and dignity both for the patient and the famiy and/or friends. Our underlying values include respect for every person, the dignity of all people, and fairness and justice as expressed by the Golden Rule.