Hospitality House Youth Directions
Hospitality House Youth Directions is located in the area of Minneapolis with the highest percentage of poverty, the largest number of minorities and non-English speakers, highest percentage of violent crimes and largest number of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) in the state. HHYD is a 501C3 focused on reaching out to youth primarily 5-18 years old through programs in education, sports, and small group outreach with Christian character development woven throughout all we do. We are non-denominational and partner with many organizations and groups from many denominations.
Hospitality House Youth Directions exists to provide a Christian outreach focused on the spiritual, intellectual and physical development of urban youth.
Core Values:
Christ centered and passionate for youth
Grounded in prayer
Spiritually mature staff
Sensitive to cultural differences while maintaining Christ as the only way to God
Meet youth where they live, study, and play directing them to HHYD
Bible is the standard for conduct and basis of faith
Minister to the mind, body and spirit
Highest level of financial responsibility and integrity
Programs reflect Christian values with the result being lives that reflect Christ