Humbly I Serve
Humbly I Serve is a global faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to changing lives through the gift of physical and spiritual provision.
I believe in Yahweh God; whose breath scattered the staggering expanse of galaxies, and whose steady hand pivoted planets on delicate axils. The God who outlined horizons, and sketched towering trees and the tender tendrils of grass with a spoken word. The God who separated vast shores from thundering waves and the depths of the sea. The same God who sent the birds soaring, and the sea life teeming, and the whole world spinning in this broad, timeless, dizzying life. I believe in Yahweh God who is above all, and in all, and through all. The One who interlaced, and fastened sinew
and bone within the secret parts of our beings. Who made us to be like Him, and to abide in Him. I believe that apart from Him, all else fails.
I believe in Jesus Christ; The one who's Father is Omnipotent God, and was brought into the world through a virgin. The same Jesus who walked among us, and touched our lives with nail-scarred hands, and cupped our faces with Love. Who was sentenced to die on our behalf, so that we did not have to carry the penalty of our sin on our shoulders. He bore them on the beam of a rugged cross and on the nails that pierced His hands and
feet. He took the punishment, became the Sacrifice, rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven where He is now seated at the Right Hand of the Father, making endless intercession to the Father on our behalf.
I believe that the Cross is our only Hope. Our only Claim. I believe that Jesus is our only Savior, and the Foundation of our faith. The cornerstone, the Beginning and the End.
I believe that everything that was, is, and everything that will be is by His Grace, and His Grace alone? So no one can boast in themselves.
I believe in the Holy Spirit; stirring our souls, guiding our steps, and living within. The Spirit who whispers, prompts, counsels, and convicts. I believe in living by the Spirit, adhering our walks to the Spirit, and growing in the Spirit. ?In the Spirit who holds us in our fallible weakness with groanings
that cannot be expressed in mere syllables, and spoken tongues.
I believe the Bible is the Infallible Word of God. God-breathed, and God-ordained. Because of this, it is Sure, and Pure, and Secure. That inscribed on those age-old pages is the Love Letter of God to mankind-- Forged as a beacon of Light for faltering, blundering feet to find confident, assured
footing in the Bedrock of a dark path.
I believe there is more than simply believing, because Faith without works is truly dead. In a world of death and decay, I must live what I believe.