Hungry For God Home
We House Fatherless Young Men targeting ages 17-24. Since 2003 we have housed over 250 seeing dropouts become Valedictorians, fatherless young men become faithful fathers, runaways restored back home, juvenile offenders graduate off parole and give back to community through volunteering and helping others find hope, addicts get set free and celebrate healing. Coach young men through the Hungry For God Home LOGOS curriculum which covers 7 Life Building Blocks: 1. Stable Housing 2. Work Stability 3. Health/ Personal Needs 4. Faith-Based Spiritual/ Discipleship Coaching 5. Relationship Building/ Social Skills, Fatherhood 6. Community Volunteerism/ Awareness, Transformation of Community 7. Joy Cross/ Overcoming Life Struggles Testimony/ Positive Outcome . We look at the short and long range goals of young men and evaluate how we can assist them in reaching their positive goals. Listening to the heart cry of this generation and coaching them to believe nothing is impossible is a key to our successful transformation of lives.