I.A. O'Shaughnessy Foundation, Inc.
Roman Catholic
Primarily funds organizations based in the United States
All applicants must complete [as well as mail] a letter of inquiry; this letter of inquiry is already formatted and available on the Foundation's website
The Foundation will not fund political organizations or individuals.
The Foundation will not allocate funds for lobbying purposes.
The Foundation will not fund organizations that hold values that are inconsistent with the Foundation's purpose and goals.
The Foundation will not allocate funding to organizations that become overly dependent on them for financial support; they will allocate funding for natianal fundraising organizations.
Catholic Charities and Community Services of the Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado 2005: $10,000
Church of Saint Michael, Minnesota 2005: $200,000
Catholic Charities of Wichita, Kansas 2004: $10,000