Isaiah House is a Faith-based, Transdenominational Christ Centered Ministry committed to reaching out to the broken, hurting and destitute man in a practical way in order to help them "get on their feet" spiritually, physically and emotionally.
We exist to help man with life controlling issues, such as drug and alcohol addictions as well as other issues by providing a healthy, balanced, structured environment for the whole man, addressing the spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and legal necessities. Our goal is to provide a safe place of recovery, transformation, healing and wholeness by focusing hope in Jesus Christ; instilling tools to break destructive patterns and habits, begin making right choices, setting goals, restoring broken relationships and living a disciplined abundant life. (Isaiah 58:6-12)
Residents agree to a 1 year live in commitment and a 90 day continuum of care.
Christ centered discipleship: Bible studies that deal with sexual temptaion, submission and obedience to authority, taking destructive thoughts captive, raising a family God's way, and Crown financial studies.
Our ultimate goal is to establish spiritual and practical disciplines that will help them be productive and independent through the power of Jesus Christ, while learning to know and serve God in whatever capacity and plan God has for their life.
We have on site house monitors everyday, including weekends. Office hours are 6:00am to 6:00pm.