Jesus For the Least,the Last and the Lost{J4-3L} International
J4-3L International is a non-denominational,non-sectarian,non-profit Christian charitable Human Development Agency that seeks to mobiize Churches,Church organizations,Christian organizations,individual believers and the general community in the fight not only against HIV/AIDS but also against all the challenges to holistic human growth and development; for sustainable livelihoods.This we do seeking to give the world hope of Christ.
We presently intend to lauch a Community Integrated Support Programme to serve HIV+ women/girls and children infected/affected by HIV/AIDS,to develop them not only socio-economically but spiritually as well,all for Christ .
To touch and transform the world for Christ as we respond and meet their needs with Christ Jesus;love,compassion and hope of Christ being the hallmarks of all our activities.
We seek to show the world what true Christianity is through our practrical actions.
We believe in Christ Jesus as the Saviour,Master and Lord.
We believe in Salvation by grace.
We believe in the love of Christ to us as sinners and seek to do the same.
We believe in One God Almighty.
We believe that only the LOVE of Christ can touch and transform the world and succeed in the fight of such diseases as HIV/AIDS.
We believe in the baptism of fire by the Holy Ghost.
Much of what guides us in our work is contained in our brief charter which is available on request a per now.