KC Urban Youth Center
Our vision is to build the community of God through youth in the urban core of Kansas City.
The mission of the Kansas City Urban Youth Center is to offer Christian hope, community, and wholeness to urban youth. We empower youth with resources to develop faith, character, knowledge, and skills.
* We value leadership, compassion, grace, justice, equality, discipleship, joy, worship and organization.
* We value leadership and compassion in order to empower young leaders to minister with graciousness and style.
* We value grace and so will continue to facilitate mentoring relationships between youth and Christian adults who will reciprocate to each other redemption, reconciliation, and love.
* We value justice and equality and so will continue to develop need-oriented evangelism that shows God's justice for families that seek unity, fair dealings, or a "voice" with the majority culture in education, health, and justice systems.
* We value discipleship in the small group context, offering mentoring consistent with the character of Christ in practical, life-enhancing and community-enhancing ways.
* We value joy and so will offer an environment of safe, creative space where lifestyles of delight and peace can be nurtured.
* We value worship and so will treat all of life as holy and accountable to God through example, symbols, rituals, mutual respect, and reflective moments.
* We value indigenous organization and so will continue to evolve functional structures appropriate to the context that will serve to build capacity, achieve excellence, maximize service, and provide sustainability.