The Kingdom Experience
The Kingdom Experience is a Christian organisation promoting cultural exchanges through missions experiences, educational internship, work and cultural exchanges between people of all nations, cultures and heritage.
We operate with the EARTH CHANGERS mentality, seeking to change the earth by enabling God's children to travel abroad, meet people, share life experiences, interact with one another and enable each other to become better acquainted, thus diminishing and breaking down the strength of the walls of artificial differences that past historical & cultural past experiences has caused.
We have a strong mission mindset and encourage all our Kingdom Experience participants to be willing to give something back to the community they are visiting during their stay in the foreign nation.
Each one of our programs are well thought through, planned and executed on the ground by our staff, partners and associates with whom we undertake to bring you the Kingdom experience.
A Christ like attitude and thinking permeates throughout all our programs. We are deliberately friendly, helpful, we love people and operate with open arms. We are here to serve you!