Korean Churches for Community Development
**Korean American Faith-Based Community**
The Korean American church serves as the religious, social, cultural, political, and economic center of the Korean American community. From the start of the Korean American immigration to America the Korean American population has exploded from 102 people in 1903 to an estimated 1.3 million (2000 U.S. Census). Major centers of Korean American population include California, New York, Greater Washington, D.C. Area, Georgia, Washington, Chicago, and Hawaii as well as many other states including Michigan, Kansas, and Alabama.
**Contact Information**
Korean Churches for Community Development
Los Angeles Headquarter Office
3550 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite #922
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Tel) 213-985-1500
Fax) 209-391-4310
Emai: kccdonline@yahoo.com
Hours of Operation: 8 AM - 5 PM
(1) KCCD Housing Counseling Center: Provides education and counseling to low & moderate 1st time home buyers
(2) KCCD Communities Empowering Youth: Organizes local youth agencies for consulting, technical, and capacity building needs. Funded by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(3) KCCD Healthy Marriage Initiative: Provides capacity building and training opportunities to local churches and organizations who are interested in marriage education. Funded by California Healthy Marriage Coalition
Korean Churches for Community Development ("KCCD") is a non-profit faith-based organization. Our mission is to strengthen communities by maximizing resource of Korean and other Asian American faith-based and partner organizations.