lean-on Jesus foundation
LEAN-ON JESUS FOUNDATION is a peer educators unit which equips individuals with peer education skills that make them peer educators in their various fields of endeavour. The foundation offers training in various fields for young people to equip them for the future. Lean-on foundation has two broad units—the students unit and the workers unit, with smaller overlapping divisions within the two broad units such as the;
* Tertiary charter
* Secondary charter
* Primary charter and
* Youth and Community charters among others.
Programmes we run include:
*Youth outreach/ Training peer counsellors
*Mass literacy project
*Skills training
*Homeless federation
*Duke of Edinburgh International Award for Young People
Work is done 24 hours, seven days a week. Each volunteer chooses the time and activities he/she finds must suitable.
Volunteers coming from outside Ghana will be lodged with a local family.
Our mission is to develop and apply our individual abilities and
potential by deploring sustainable techniques to alleviate all forms of
scarcity and poverty thus attaining a better life for ourselves and all who
come into contact with us God being our help through Christ Jesus our
Lord and Saviour.