Lift Disability Network
Lift Disability Network is a community where the disability family is embraced, encouraged, and empowered. An intersection where helplessness meets hopefulness‚‚¦ a place of healing for wounded souls‚‚¦ & a connection to faith for a better life.
Our objectives are:
To Connect... For the disability family, isolation is a major villain in the plot of the family to capture a‚‚˜better life. That is why Lift Disability Network has purposed itself to lead in connecting the disability community.
To Educate... By linking fellow pursuers of disability-life concepts, Lift believes education occurs more holistically and comprehensively. With two or more walking together families are strengthened, individuals enlightened and professionals become enhanced partners.
To Communicate ... Breaking through the wall of isolation begins with our voice. As individuals we are recognized when we speak up; be bold. Families are brought together through tender and thoughtful communication; be loving. Our community will be heard as we join our voices and cheer on our champions; sing together.
Elevating Life in the Disability Family. It is our mission to lead in connecting the disability family through a collective voice of influence, innovative family support programs, and instructive learning initiatives.
Founded in Christian Faith, Lift Disability Network believes:
The Bible is the complete, perfect, and authoritative Word of God
There is one true God, forever present in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
The Lord Jesus Christ is God's precious, unique Son.
We believe in His virgin birth; conceived by the Holy Spirit, sinless life, miracles and teachings, His substitutionary atoning death; bodily resurrection; ascension into heaven; perpetual intercession for His people; and personal, visible return to earth.
In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit indwelling every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is an abiding Helper, Teacher and Guide.
Some day Jesus Christ will personally return and all people will be resurrected.
Those who have a personal, authentic relationship with Christ will receive eternal life. Those who have not chosen a relationship with Christ will experience eternal separation from God.
Man can experience authentic relationship with each other, and through Jesus Christ, believers are the body of Christ.
God expressed his love to every individual through His son, Jesus Christ. His love is pure and receives all who come. This is the Good News.