Literacy & Evangelism International

Organization Description: 

We develop Bible-content materials to teach basic reading in local languages and conversational English. We train church leaders and missionaries to use LEI materials for evangelism, discipleship and church planting.

TULSA, OK 74107
Mission Statement: 

Literacy & Evangelism International equips the Church to share the message of Jesus Christ through the gift of reading.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

Concerning: We believe in:
AUTHORITY the Bible as God’s inspired, infallible and completed Word for all people everywhere, to show them the Way the Truth and the Life and to be their final authority.

GOD one God, sovereign and unchangeable Creator and Sustainer of all, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, being infinite yet personal, just yet merciful, and perfect in holiness, truth & love.

PEOPLE the essential dignity and value of all people everywhere, created as God’s image bearers, yet estranged from God because of Adam’s fall and personal sin, being totally incapable of a right relationship to God apart from grace.

JESUS CHRIST Jesus Christ, who by virtue of His deity, virgin birth, sinless humanity, substitutionary death, atoning blood, bodily resurrection and ascension to heaven as King and Priest, is the only one capable of redeeming people.

SALVATION salvation by God’s grace alone whereby the Holy Spirit regenerates, the Son justifies, and the Father adopts those who personally repent and trust in Jesus Christ alone as Savior and Lord.

HOLY SPIRIT the Holy Spirit’s deity and work of convicting, regenerating, illuminating indwelling and manifesting His fruit and gifts in believers for the unity, edification and mission of the Church in the world, to the glory of God.

THE CHURCH the priesthood of all believers who together form the universal Church, Christ’s Bride or Body of which He is Head and has commissioned to advance the light of the Gospel in this dark world.

THE FUTURE the extension of the Gospel to all people groups, Christ’s personal, visible and bodily return, and the resurrection and judgment of all mankind—the lost to eternal damnation and the saved to life with God forever.

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