Living Truth
We are a small nonprofit missions agency that supports individual ministries dedicated to our mission.
We provide administrative and other support in the U.S. and collaborate with other ministries overseas through our affiliated ministries.
A Network of Ministries dedicated to a Biblical Worldview promoting critical thinking, personal responsibility, and care for all others to the glory of God.
Statement of Faith
1. The Divine inspiration of the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testaments as originally given;
2. The Triune Godhead existing in One Eternal, Transcendent, Omnipotent, personal God, manifested in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
3. Special creation of the existing space-time universe, including all of its basic systems and organisms in the six literal days of the creation week;
4. The perfect, sinless humanity and absolute full deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, indissolubly united in one divine/human Person since His unique incarnation by miraculous virgin conception and birth;
5. The substitutionary and redemptive sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for the sin of the world, through His literal physical death, burial, and bodily resurrection followed by His ascension into Heaven;
6. Personal salvation from the eternal penalty of sin, provided exclusively by the grace of God on the basis of the atoning death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be received only through individual faith in His Person and redemptive work on the cross, and to be followed with a life characterized by the empowering grace of the Holy Spirit, giving evidence in loving service and adherence to the principles and practices of the Christian Faith as set forth in the New Testament.
7. The future personal, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth to judge and establish His eternal kingdom and to consummate and fulfill all His purposes, the works of creation, and redemption, with eternal reward for believers and eternal punishments for the unsaved.