We working for the betterment of the families.There are many hurdles confronting the promotion of education some of them are :
1.Poverty and lack of information on the side of the parents;
2.Lack of relations and cooperation among parents and teachers;
3.Carelessness on the side of the teachers;
4. Lack of sports, games and other talent rising activities in schools.
We try to over come these hurdles through different ways
1.We arrange and conduct meetings with uneducated parents and on with youth working at shops and factories.
2.We arrange seminars for the teachers.
3.Teachers and parents teams are formed and regular meeting are held to discuss students matters and social problems.
4. We meet heads of schools discuss school dropouts.
5. We collect funds for co-curricular activities sports, etc. to help poor students.we arrange different programs for the students.
6. Now We are working for skill centers and health centers specially for poor Christians womens.