love and compassion ministries, inc
We are a non denominational organization that has been in the service of god for 14 years
LCM has outreached to many person in the community. we Assist the homeless, with food, tents, clothing , job searchs, We help with getting people into Drug programs, we give counseling to persons who need help emotionally. LCM we help both youth programs and senior citizens, We do must more in our commmunity we help were it is need.
1. To introduce as many lost people to JESUS CHRIST as possible.
2. To Give GOD all the glory for any and all work that this ministry accomplishes.
3. To minister to the needs of the people as inspired and directed by GOD.
4. Be committed to being good stewards of all our resources including time and money.
5. To always present ourselves in a Godly manner.
6. We vow to have respect of person(s) just as GOD has respect of person(s) and we are his representatives here on earth, thus reflecting HIS love to all.
7. To work with individuals, area churches, organizations, and communities for the betterment of mankind.
8. To seek GOD through prayer for guidance and direction in every step this ministry takes, as well as seeking HIM for the needs of others.
9. Live our lives according to GOD?S word and the convictions HE places in our hearts.
We believe...
... the Holy Scriptures to be the written Word of GOD, infallible, and inspired by GOD.
... that there is one GOD, existing in three persons; FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT; Coequal and Eternal.
... that man was created in the image of GOD; but he sinned and thereby brought on himself the curse of physical death and spiritual death, which is eternal separation from GOD. All men since Adam are born with a sinful nature, and their only hope is to be regenerated (born again), through JESUS, the SON.
... that salvation has been provided by grace (undeserved) through the sacrifice of GOD?S SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, because HE died in our place on the cross.
... that JESUS CHRIST is the only begotten SON of the FATHER conceived of the HOLY GHOST, and born of the Virgin Mary.
... that JESUS was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead. That HE ascended to heaven and is today at the right hand of the FATHER as the Intercessor.
...that all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD and that repentance is commanded from GOD for all and necessary for forgiveness of sins.
...that justification, regeneration, and the new birth are bought by faith in the blood of JESUS CHRIST.
...HOLINESS to be GOD?S standard of living for HIS people. baptism with the HOLY GHOST. water baptism by immersion, and all who repent should be baptized in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST. the bodily Resurrection; eternal life for the righteous, and eternal punishment for the wicked.
... that we grow in faith through the relationship we pursue with JESUS CHRIST, which is enabled by the HOLY SPIRIT. We pursue this relationship by reading GOD?S WORD and by prayer.
... in the miraculous and divine healing through the stripes that our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST bore at Calvary according to the faith that works within us.
... that GOD has given HIS people a job to do in Christ and we need to discover it and do it.