Makolera orphanage/Nursary school

Organization Description: 

Makolera orphanage Nursary School was initially started in 2005 by the BLANTYRE synod of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian(CCAP) project office for the Vuinerabla children of Makolera Village.Since then it is being run by poor christian Villagers on Voluntary Basis headed by their Village Headman & its Day to Day operational needs comes from well wishers.
At presents the organisation cares for 70 childrens. some of which are orphans & the rest are from very Poor families.
On Daily basis the organisation gives those childrens that day's supply,IF AVAILABLE,Such as Breakfast,Lunch,Milk,Soap,Clothes,Blankets,etc.,as well as Teaching them Nursary Education.

"The sensitizing the Youth on Drug abuse & HIV/ AIDS" Programme has not yet fully started due to lake of a portable Movie Projector.

Organizational Email:
oMakolera Village,
Phalombe, 265
Mission Statement: 

The main mission for the Organisation is to rescue hundreds of the under 5 yrs. childrens, who are dying from malnutrition diseasesdue to poverty & egnorance whoch has dominated in the rular areas of Malawi as well as to sensitise the youth on the dangers of drug abuse & HIV/Aids by teaching them through the Movies.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

We believe in god the father almighty maker of heaven & earth & in jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceive by the holy ghost born of the Virgin merry,suffered under pontius pilate was crucified dead & barried.He ascended into Heaven & sits on the right hand of God the almighty.From hence he shall come to judge the quick & the dead.
We believe in the holy ghost the holy Catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the Body & the life everlasting.Amen

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
International Volunteers: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: