Mentors Inc
93% of Mentors, Inc. seniors graduated from high school, compared to less than 60% for their DC peers.
85% of Mentors, Inc. graduates went off to college, compared to less than 30% of their DC peers.
90% of Mentors, Inc. mentor-protege pairs lasted at least one year, compared to 38% nationally.
Mentors, Inc. creates and supports mentoring relationships for students who are enrolled in any traditional or charter public senior high school. We provide ongoing individualized support, and enrichment opportunities in the areas of college, career, and community service exposure, exploration, and planning. Graduating seniors are eligible for college scholarships. We connect proteges and mentors to a world of opportunities through our monthly online newsletter. And to make sure our efforts yield the best results for our students, we follow the BEST PRACTICES of MENTOR, National Mentoring Partnership.