Mosoj Yan
Who does Mosoj Yan help?
At present, Mosoj Yan has four projects helping over 700 girls a year. Those who seek Mosoj Yan’s help range from children to young adolescents, some of whom are young mothers. Some of the girls at Mosoj Yan live with their families, but spend the day selling goods on the street; others live on the streets, surviving by stealing or prostitution and oftentimes face drug addictions.
~ Mosoj Yan hopes to make positive impact in the lives of young women living on the streets by empowering them to take control of their lives and become active members of society
~ To provide educational services and support for girls looking for alternative employment
~ To support girls through the process of social reintegration
~ To provide shelter for those who have left home
~ To create micro-finance opportunities
~ To offer counseling and psychological aid, as well as legal, educational and health services
Program Supervisors:
All Mosoj Yan projects are supervised by Jenny Morato and Lena Estevez, both licensed and experienced psychologists. Jenny has played a fundamental role in the development of Mosoj Yan and has also worked with other organizations supporting girls and young adolescents. Lena has specialized in community violence and gang reduction and prevention.
Mosoj Yan Programs:
Center for Girls Who Work on the Street:
The center provides support and opportunities for girls between the ages of six and eighteen. Mosoj Yan aims to positively influence the lives of troubled young women by helping them improve their relationships with their families and by providing them with career advice and educational aid. Girls have access to showers, a dining hall, and laundry services at the center. Motivational workshops and skill shares are regularly scheduled to inspire these young girls to take control of their futures. Previous workshops have included computing, bakery and handicrafts.
The Production Unit:
Mosoj Yan runs a café and a handicrafts shop in the center of Cochabamba which sells products made in the other centers. Both are operated by girls who have been helped by Mosoj Yan. This helps to sustain the other projects and also raises community awareness.
The Motivation Center:
The Motivation Center focuses on offering alternative opportunities to girls who live on the street. Mosoj Yan actively seeks out homeless young women offering them a room at the center. Facilities include showers, laundry services, lockers, and childcare. They also have access to therapy, counseling, healthcare, and education, all of which can aid them with integrating back into school and society. Mosoj Yan periodically offers recreational activities and excursions.
The Restoration Center:
The Restoration Center concentrates on the reintegration of girls back into society; whether it be with their families or independently. The girls who stay at the Restoration Center are either seeking shelter from abusive situations (physical, psychological, sexual) or from the streets. The center shelters up to fifteen girls at a time.