MOST Ministries

Organization Description: 

We are a Lutheran based organization that serves missionaries, National Lutheran church and organizations around the globe through short term mission teams.

655 Phoenix Drive
Ann Arbor, 48108
Mission Statement: 

MOST Ministries is committed to impacting the world for Jesus Christ through short term mission by empowering the found in reaching the lost.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

MOST Ministries believes:

The Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God, living and active, with the power to transform our lives.
There is one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is both true God and true man, who was born of a virgin, died on Calvary and rose from the dead on Easter for the redemption of human sin.
Salvation is a gift from God received through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, not the result of good works.
There is a resurrection of the saved and the lostthe saved into eternal life with God and the lost into eternal damnation.
The Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian and enables him/her to live a sanctified, godly life and to perform service pleasing to the Lord.
The Church is the Body of Christ and it is our duty and privilege to fellowship with one another and in peace to love one another with pure hearts.
God adopts us as his children through the gift of Holy Baptism.
God forgives our sin and celebrates our fellowship with him and each other through the body and blood of Jesus given in, with and under the bread and wine in the Lords Supper.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Do you have a listing of your volunteer opportunities on your organization’s website?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
City Vision Site Interest: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
International Volunteers: 
Length of Trip: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
City/Metropolitan Area: 
Organization Membership Type: